Equities Leader Optimizes Execution Quality


Extracting Big Insights From Big Data

  • Limited transaction lifecycle analysis resulting from the complexity of both the trading infrastructure and the transactions themselves (e.g., a single block order generating 500+ transactions across multiple venues)
  • Inability to correlate real-time trade-plant performance information with end-of-day reporting of customer outcomes made it impossible to make timely adjustments to protect execution quality and order flow
  • The diversity of analyses required to support decision-making by various business stakeholders and clients


Correlated Trading Transaction and Trade-Plant Analytics

  • 360-degree view of trading business health with a single screen that summarized client execution and performance across all orders, responsiveness of each venue
  • Rapid identification of issues to enable action to salvage execution performance and to improve transparency to clients
  • Ability to analyze transaction lifecycle and outcomes by multiple dimensions, including customer, symbol, venue, trading session, trading volume, message types, time in force, etc.
  • Detailed venue performance profiles (e.g., fill rate by value, volume, fulfillment lifespan) to improve routing decisions
  • Full hop-by-hop transaction visualization to enable stakeholders to “see” and understand algorithmic interactions and reveal unexpected behaviors or order routing patterns
  • Diverse set of business-specific analysis performed in support of various decision support use-cases
  • Streamlined delivery of scheduled and on-demand reporting (e.g., execution quality correlated to venue performance)


Improved Control Over Client Experience

Execution quality
Client transparency
Responsiveness to client inquiries
Business-aligned analysis
Mean time to identify and mitigate execution quality risks
Mean time to identify trade performance optimization opportunities

